JT Edwards Ltd is an independently owned Construction Services business, based in Essex. Our area of expertise lies within the Education sector, which highlights the importance of this policy to ensure the safety of children, young adults and vulnerable adults.
JT Edwards recognise that it is our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of those at risk of abuse and this is at the heart of our everyday operations. This policy applies to anyone working on our behalf including senior managers, paid staff and sub-contractors.
We believe that children and vulnerable adults should never experience abuse of any kind and that it is our responsibility to keep them safe and practise in a way to protect them. Their welfare is paramount in all the work that we do and in all the decisions that we take on site. All children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of abuse.
We will seek to support children, young adults and vulnerable adults by:
- Valuing, listening and showing respect to the sensitive nature of the area in which we work – we follow the principle of being polite but not engaging in and/or encouraging conversation with any children
- Adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct – our site staff will stay within the confines of the agreed site, work area, access and egress areas. Any prospective member of our team will be subject to checks with the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS)
- Providing effective management of our staff and sub-contractors through supervision, support and training – we will maintain records within the site office of all employees/sub-contractors working on site each day. Inappropriate language, dress, smoking or misconduct will not be tolerated and will be heavily sanctioned
- Proactively working together to ensure safeguarding issues are reported and acted uponappropriately-staff will be briefed on how to report any matters out of the ordinary or of concern – any alleged poor practice incidents, misconduct or abuse will be taken seriously by JT Edwards and dealt with in a swift and appropriate manner
- Similarly, any whistleblowing will be addressed in a confidential manner. We are committed to supporting anyone who reports an issue, ensuring they do not suffer any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting their decision. In normal circumstances any concerns or allegations should be reported immediately to the Site Manager in a confidential environment or failing that, the Contract Manager should be advised.
This policy applies to all of our employees and those working with us or on our behalf. We fully expect that those aforementioned cooperate and assist in the implementation of this policy.
This policy will be reviewed at least once per year and at other such times as may be required, to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the aims and objectives of our business.
James Edwards
Revised:October 2022